After meeting in Executive Session Wednesday afternoon, City Council members returned to the dais and offered their experiences and thought processes throughout the search process. In the end, the choice was made and Grayson Path will be the next City Manager of Amarillo.

City Manager-elect Path was one of the two finalists, the other was Matthew Allen, current City Manger of Garden City, KS.

Path, City Manager of Paris, TX. appears to have been a unanimous choice. Mayor Cole Stanley outlined his vision of having a leader, someone they could turn the keys over to and say, “here, run my organization.”

All council members appeared to be in favor or Path. Councilman Josh Craft was not in attendance but offered his input during the Executive Session via Zoom according to Mayor Stanley.

Council will next seek contractual, salary and other offerings from Baker Tilly to secure Path by the end of the week, possibly early next week. The target date to have Path on staff is no later than August 19.