League of Women Voters Hosting Public Forum For proposed Amendments to the Texas Constitution
The League of Women Voters will be holding a public forum to discuss the 10 proposed amendments to the Texas Constitution.
Dr. Chris Macaulay and Dr. Darrell Lovell, both assistant professors in the Political Science Department at West Texas A&M University, will discuss the arguments for and against each of the propositions on the ballot.
The amendments, approved by the Texas Legislature last spring, include such proposals as banning a state personal income tax, assistance for water projects in distressed areas, dedicating sporting goods taxes to the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department and Texas Historical Commission, and increased distributions to the available school fund.
Forum moderator will be Mellessa Denny, League member and speech and debate coach at Amarillo High School.
The forum will take place Thursday, October 17th beginning at 6:00 pm at the Amarillo College downtown campus Bud Joyner Auditorium at 1314 S. Polk.
Voting for the amendments takes place on November 5 or during early voting October 21 through November 1.