Mini Ag Conference in Canadian set for Sept. 9

CANADIAN – The 2019 Mini Ag Conference on Cow/Calf and Stocker Cattle Nutrition will be hosted by the Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service office in Hemphill County on Sept. 9 at the Hemphill County Exhibition Center, 10865 Exhibition Road, Canadian.

Contact: Andy Holloway, 806-323-9114, [email protected]

The program will be from 8:30 a.m.-3:30 p.m. The fee is $25, and lunch is included. Those planning to attend should register by Sept. 6 by calling 806-323-9114 or emailing [email protected].

“This year’s Mini Ag Conference is based on the requests of our local ranchers to learn and get more information on cow/calf and stocker cattle nutrition,” said Andy Holloway, AgriLife Extension agriculture and natural resources agent in Hemphill County.

“Everything we do these days in agriculture is expensive and the margin of profit is sometimes very low, so we always have to be learning ways to cut costs and improve on the revenue side to enhance our overall profit,” Holloway said.

Nutrition in livestock programs is oftentimes the key component that makes or breaks the profit equation, he said. It directly affects fertility and breed back, milking ability, weaning and yearling weights, yield and quality grade, and longevity.

Speakers and topics set this year are:

– Kent Mills, Hi-Pro beef nutritionist, Hermleigh, technology regarding supplemental winter feeding.

– Jason Smith, Ph.D., AgriLife Extension beef cattle specialist, Amarillo, nutritional considerations for cow/calf and stocker operations.

– Perry Church, Diamond V regional sales manager, Canyon, using technology to enhance forage digestibility.

– Justin Benavidez, Ph.D., AgriLife Extension economist, Amarillo, current economic topics in livestock and meat.

Other conference sponsors are Hi-Pro Feeds and Diamond V.