North Heights infrastructure is a hot topic facing the city council.

Interim City Manager Floyd Hartman provided an update on infrastructure plans for the neighborhood. He says that North Height’s problems are not locked down to that area of the city, but to all parts of the city, but it applies to many communities across the city that were all developed prior to subdivision laws that required those public improvements, and that creates a lot of challenges related to those improvements,.

Some sewer and water lines with two-inch pipes in North Heights have been in use since the 1920s and desperately need to be replaced.

Some sewer and water lines with two-inch pipes in North Heights have been in use since the 1920s and desperately need to be replaced.

Hartman says When you are talking about lead and copper, hydrogen sulfide or anything, the community is going to have a lot of concerns. All of those impact all the systems across this country. Every sanitary sewer system and water system has this challenge.

Mayor Cole Stanley says he would like to see $1 million allocated in next year’s budget to replacing pipes in North Heights

Stanley believes action will be taken on this issue in August before the new budget is voted through in September