Potter County Hosts Non-Traditional Crop Tour Sept. 24

CLARENDON – Farmers, chefs and foodies are all invited to an “Alternative Crop Tour” that will allow participants to “see how your food is grown” on Sept. 24 by the Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service Potter County office.

This free crop tour won’t feature traditional crops such as sorghum, wheat and cotton, said Megan Eikner, AgriLife Extension agriculture and natural resources agent for Potter County.

“We are going to be talking about marigolds for seed production, watermelons, cantaloupes, food corn, squash and more,” Eikner said. “We’ve had a growing interest expressed in alternative crop production, as well as detailed understanding for the general public about the safety of the food we eat.”

The program will be located 5 miles north of Clarendon. Participants can meet at the field, located at the old Hitchin Post north of Clarendon on Texas Highway 70, at 9 a.m., or in Amarillo at the Flying J Travel Center at 8 a.m. to caravan to the farm.

Rides will be available with an RSVP by Sept. 16. Lunch will also be provided with an RSVP to the AgriLife Extension office for Potter County at 806-373-0713.

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