Potter County Seeks to House Inmate
With the Potter County jail seeing a steady increase in jail population over the last 12 months, the Commissioners are looking for a new space to house inmates in.
There are currently 622 inmates and the maximum capacity is 599 inmates.
Chief Deputy of Potter County, Scott GilesOnce you reach about 85% capacity you’re full and we’re far beyond that.
On Tuesday, Commissioners approved contracts with Deaf Smith County, Scurry County, and, Garza County to house inmates from Potter County jail.
The price to house inmates ‘per bed per day’ in is $75 in Deaf Smith County, $62 in Garza County, and $60 in Scurry County.
Some of the jails are actually in the practice of renting out jail beds and so it’s almost a way for them to pay for their jail beds, and so that affects the pricing to some extent,
One of the long-term solutions being discussed is building a 196-pod to the jail.
Potter County is also in talks with Randall County to house inmates there.