Resignation of Trustee Highlights AISD School Board Meeting
The Amarillo Independent Scool District Board of Trustees will meet today.
Some of the items on the agenda are a presentation regarding the Amarillo Area Center for Advanced Learning (AACAL), including highlights of community connections through internships and advisory boards.
A performance by a combined choir from Amarillo, Caprock, Palo Duro, and Tascosa high schools.
A Superintendent’s Report on plans for the proposed Amarillo Career Academy (The old Hastings warehouse on Plains Boulevard).
The board will also consider accepting the resignation of Trustee Cristy Wilkinson and taking action as necessary regarding the process to fill the vacancy on the Board of Trustees.
Today’s meeting will start at 5:30 PM in the Board Room of AISD Education Support Center located at 7200 Interstate 40 West