It’s a Texas Sales Tax Weekend on water-efficient and Energy Star products.

The sales tax weekend starts Saturday, May 25th to Monday, May 27th.

The Texas Comptroller’s office estimates that shoppers will save $15 million in state and local sales tax.

Articles with a  WaterSense label or logo can be purchased tax-free for personal or business use, including showerheads, Bathroom sink faucets, accessories, and Toilets

 Lawn and garden products that conserve water are also included in the sales tax weekend.

 Energy Star products with the Energy Star logo can be purchased tax-free, including Air conditioners priced at $6,000 or less, Refrigerators priced at $2,000 or less and Refrigerators priced at $2,000 or less

There is no limit on the amount of these products you can buy.