City Of Borger Sets Quarantine Area After Rabid Skunk Found
Borger officials are quarantining an area after one rabies case was confirmed On Thursday
A City of Borger Animal Control officers observed rabid behavior in a skunk and sent it for testing
After a positive test, authorities are now taking state-mandated measures to ensure citizens in the area are notified.
Quarantined and high-risk areas have been designated and will remain in effect for 180 days.
The area extends from east of Fairlanes Boulevard to the property line of the Nutrien Complex and from West Wilson Street on the north to Fairview Street on the south.
The high-risk area extends from Fairlanes west to the city limits and from Wilson on the north to Pinehurst Street on the south.
Borger Animal Control will also be setting traps in the area and officials are urging pet owners to make sure all of their pet’s vaccinations are up-to-date.
If residents are feeding feral cats and want to avoid having them captured, the cat needs to be kept in an enclosed area.
If you would like a trap set up on your property, call the animal shelter at (806) 273-0973.