There’s a time in every race when success is on the line.

You know you’ve hit your limit and fatigue is setting in. Your mind is willing to accept compromise, maybe the goal you’ve worked for isn’t that important.

This is the moment of the entire race, what you have worked for, and committed to.

This is where mental toughness comes in.

Professor of Performance Psychology Dr.Graham Jones. Discovered several of these points 

differing non-medalists from Olympic podium placers.

Some of those points include Paying meticulous attention to their goals, a strong inner drive, Shrugging off training failures, and Extreme confidence in their abilities 

These qualities along with a few others equal Mental Toughness.

As you can tell, mental toughness doesn’t just happen.

It’’s an everyday state of mind.

The missing ingredient is p[atience. 

We’ll get into that next week, on Eye on Wellness. On Behalf of KGNC Wellness Coach Rhonda Lahnert, Be Well and Stay Healthy. I’m Chuck Williams with your Eye on Wellness on KGNC