Second Series of the Neighborhood Art Projects Kicking Off In The Barrio Neighborhood
The second series of the Neighborhood Art Projets is kicking off in the Barrio.
With the Barrio being one of the oldest neighborhoods in Amarillo, Let’s Art Amarillo: The Barrio Project, gives artists, photographers, and others the opportunity to design art pieces to showcase locations within the Barrio.
Melynn Huntley with the Neighborhood Arts Project.
You have until December 21st to submit pieces for the Barrio Art Showcase.
Jason Boyett with the Beautification and Public Arts Advisory Board.
The Barrio NEighborhood Art Show will take place on January 16-18th at the Wesley Comunity Center.
Over $3,000 has been donated by Amarillo National Bank to help award the art submission.
Best of Show $500, Best Painting$250, Best Photograph $250, Best Mixed Media $250, Best 3-Dimensional $250, Best Storytelling $250, Judges Award $250, People’s Choice $250, 4 Student Scholarships $200 each, and Best School Body of Work$500.
For more information and a list of locations featured for the art project click here.
Click here to access the entry form.
Click here to view the rules for the contest.