Secretary of Veterans Affairs Robert Wilkie Making Vet’s Care His Top Priority

Since being sworn in as the Secretary of Veterans Affairs The Honorable Robert Wilkie has made it his mission to serve those who have served.

The care of the Blue Water Navy (BWN) Veterans was a major step in that mission.

Signed into law June 25, the Blue Water Navy Veterans Vietnam Veterans Act of 2019 will cover sailors who served as far as 12 nautical miles offshore of the Republic of Vietnam between January 6, 1962, and May 7, 1975, as well as Veterans who served in the Korean Demilitarized Zone (DMZ) between January 1,  1967, and August. 31, 1971.

Qualifying affected Veterans who are still living and certain survivors of deceased BWN and Korean DMZ Veterans can file claims for benefits based on service.

The Act even includes provisions affecting the VA Home Loan Program. 

You can contact your state Veterans Affairs office and you can a form here HERE

TheBlue Water Navy Veterans Vietnam Veterans Act of 2019 The full Blue Water Navy Vietnam Veterans Act of 2019

I will have more of my interview with  Secretary of Veterans Affairs Robert Wilkie tomorrow on NEWS DAY Amarillo.