Wildfire Preparedness Meeting set January 9
(CANADIAN, TX) – The Northeast Texas Panhandle “Wildfire Preparedness Meeting” will be on Jan. 9 in Jones Pavilion, 1101 N. 6th St., Canadian.
This joint meeting is hosted by the Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service agriculture and natural resources agents in Ochiltree, Lipscomb, Hemphill, Roberts, Wheeler and Collingsworth counties.
Registration begins at 9:30 a.m., and there is a $10 fee. The program will begin at 10 a.m., and lunch will be provided, sponsored by Plains Land Bank, Pampa/Perryton.
The program will include the following speakers and topics:
– Tim Steffens, Ph.D., AgriLife Extension range specialist, Canyon – “How Do I Prepare for a Potential Wildfire?”
– Ashley Johnson, Texas A&M Forest Service, Amarillo and Childress regional fire coordinator – “Fuels and Fire Within Moments.”
– Fire Chiefs Paul Dutcher/Perryton, Robert Ford/Wheeler and Scott Brewster/Canadian – “How to Help Your First Responders Fight Less Fire Faster.”
The program will conclude with all speakers participating in a panel discussion.